iSpQ VideoChat 9.1

Free It connects you with people from around the world in a live chat community
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Latest version:
9.1.25 See all
nanoCom Corporation
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iSpQ VideoChat is a sort of instant messenger with video and audio capabilities. When I first installed this application, it reminded me of ICQ. ICQ was great, but it wasn't as organized and as neat as MSN Messenger. The same happens with iSpQ. When you first launch it, you will be welcomed by a screen with usernames. There you have to invite people to chat with you. You can't really perform a thorough search to find the people that you want. Not at first sight, at least. The graphical user interface is crowded with information and it is kind of confusing at first. On the lower-left corner, you see your camera feed. It is a small version of it, but you can make it bigger if you want. Once you do find somebody that accepted your invitation, you are taken to a different window, where you can see the person and the other person can see you. The quality was average on my first chat. The video tended to freeze at regular intervals. So I am not sure whether that was because the person I was chatting with had a bad connection or because the application couldn't handle the traffic. I don't really like this application. Maybe the user base is big enough for people to find other people. If you just want to video chat with somebody you know, I'd say get Gmail talk or Skype. The last version of this application is 8.0.60. This review focuses on version 8.0, though.

JF Senior editor
José Fernández
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • None


  • Too much information in a disorganized fashion
  • Only average video and audio quality
  • Requires a fee when other applications are free

Comments (5)

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ISPQ Shut Down service in May, 31 2023.
It was one of the best and friendly sites that worked until now with just few members paying the membership. I will miss a lot of the nice people that I knew there the last +20 years.
Thanks a lot.

Apr 2, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(5) no(0) | Reply
Elfoed, do you know in there is any chance to dowdload the private chats? I discovered today that from 31st march the chat is down

Apr 9, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
Elfoed, I agree, I found my couple in ispq.

Mar 27, 2024 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
rating Enrique
This app has been going downwards since a while now. More and more people are leaving the app. Often bugs appear, and video messages don't work anymore. Now I could not even put my new cam on it anymore... so I'm done with it.

Sep 28, 2022 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
rating Enrique U3
Even the latest version 9 does not seem to improve anything. Video messages are not possible since a long time; now the rooms with participants have disappeared, so you can only chat now with the people you have indicated as your friends. Some "monitor" was online some time ago, saying that everything will be repaired. When I asked it a quiestion, the monitor was not even in the position to give me a time line... This will die very soon I think, and I have stopped paying for such a lousy service anyway.

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